Tattoo After Care

-Remove wrapping after 48 hours as directed.

-Wash gently with warm water and non-scented soap (Showering is fine as long as it's kept short)

-Pat dry with a clean paper towel and let air dry for a few minutes.

-Wait til next morning to Apply a VERY thin coat of AQUAPHOR 

-Wash and apply the ointment 2 times a day for 3 days.

-DO NOT over saturate with the ointment.  The skin needs to breathe in order to heal properly.  Putting too much will prolong the healing process.(Less ointment the better)

-After 3 days, switch to a non-scented moisturizing lotion as  Cocoa butter or Eucerin (Avoid Lubriderm)

-Wash and apply moisturizer for another 10-12 days.


-Peeling is normal after a few days.

-DO NOT pick or scratch at your tattoo.

-Exercise is fine but we recommend avoiding the gym for the first 3 days after getting a new tattoo.

-The most important thing is to keep the tattoo clean.  Keep in mind that for the first few days you should treat your tattoo as if it were an open wound.

Piercing After Care

Piercing Aftercare Guide

Proper care is essential to ensure your piercing heals optimally. Follow these guidelines to keep your new piercing clean, healthy, and looking its best.

*Cleaning Your Piercing:*

1. Wash Your Hands:** Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before touching your piercing.

2. Clean Three Times a Day: Clean your piercing three times a day with neutral pH soap and water, then rinse thoroughly with water to remove all soap residue from the piercing area. Apply saline solution or an aftercare spray designed for piercings. Avoid using alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, or strong antiseptics, as they can irritate the piercing.

3. Rinse and Gently Dry: Rinse the area with clean water after cleaning to remove any residue. Dry with a clean, disposable paper towel. Avoid using fabric towels, as they can harbor bacteria.

Things to Avoid

- Do Not Touch or Twist: Avoid touching, twisting, or playing with your piercing, as this can introduce bacteria and delay healing.

- Avoid Submersion: Keep your piercing out of bodies of water like pools, hot tubs, lakes, and oceans until it is fully healed.

- No Makeup or Lotions: Avoid applying makeup, lotions, or hair products near the piercing area.

- Avoid Sleeping on the Piercing: Try to sleep on the opposite side of your piercing to prevent irritation.

What to Expect:

- Swelling, Redness, and Sensitivity: These symptoms are normal during the first few days. If they worsen or you notice unusual discharge, consult a professional.

- Crusting: Light crusting around the jewelry is normal and can be gently cleaned during your routine cleaning.

Signs of Infection:

If you experience any of the following symptoms, contact your piercer or a healthcare professional:

- Excessive redness, swelling, or pain

- Thick, yellow or green discharge

- Fever or chills

- Red streaks radiating from the piercing site

Jewelry Tips:

- Do Not Remove Jewelry Prematurely: Removing jewelry too soon can cause the piercing to close or trap bacteria inside, leading to infection.

- Avoid Changing Jewelry Too Soon: Wait until your piercing is fully healed before changing jewelry, and consult your piercer if you have any questions.

Healing Times:

First, it's important to note that every body is different… Healing depends on your skin type, medical conditions, and how well you care for your piercing. With that said, here’s an approximate healing time guide for some piercings:

- Earlobes: 6-8 weeks

- Cartilage (Helix, Tragus, etc.): 3-12 months

- Nose: 4-6 months

- Eyebrow: 6-8 weeks

- Lip/Tongue: 4-8 weeks

- Navel: 6 months to 1 year